Consider These Tips for Better Drone Images

The image that you capture from your drone is only as good as the photographer who takes it (or the drone pilot who’s flying).  While this may seem like a frustrating limitation when you are looking at making your shots the best that they can be, it doesn’t need to be.  Be sure you are doing things the right way, or best way, to get good drone aerial photos or maybe give your shots the boost they deserve for that breathtaking shot.


Take your drone high and wide

When shooting breathtaking landscape or architecture shots, a common mistake may be to hover your drone pretty close to the building as a whole and catch some shots.  If you want that “WOW” moment, however, you may want to try going a bit higher and wider in order to get that full view that you really want at the end of the day.  It may seem counter-intuitive, but it’ll offer you those amazing shots that you crave. Plus, if you pair the full picture with the closer shots, you could have some powerful images.


Shoot your drone from the right spot

A little obvious, perhaps, but should be said.  You want to confirm that you are in a spot that can give you great photos.  This means that it shouldn’t be overly wooded and there shouldn’t be a lot of high buildings to block your drone in.  You can capture unique angles with that freedom of space. Plus, too much around your drone could block the light coming in and make for darker aerial images.


Pick the right day

Weather plays a role in all photography, drones especially.  Don’t go out on a day where you are going to be dealing with rain or wind.  These can negatively impact your shots, not to mention potentially damage your drone. Depending upon the type of aerial photos you are looking to achieve, cloudy overcast days may be better than bright and sunny ones so consider the end product when you are planning out your drone photography day.


Take your drone flying at night

If you want breathtaking shots, try thinking outside the box in terms of the actual time that you’re taking your drone for a spin for a photo or video session. Perhaps you’ll be able to get those amazing shots that you’re looking for by simply shooting at nighttime, or later in the evening.  You’ll get bright lights and fun angles that make for wonderful final shots.  Plus, you can get lots of accessories to help you out in terms of the actual shots that you’re capturing (ex: lighting accessories). Again, as noted above, you could use the street lights, lamps or moon as part of your light or for the effect you are trying to achieve. Again, consider the purpose for the photos you are taking, what type of marketing you may be gathering the images for, or etc.


Have the right drone

This is an important detail to focus on, as may seem a little bit obvious, however take note that you get what you pay for. You want quality images or if you are running a business and need to provide quality, invest in quality equipment and/or drones.  You can get drones that focus on all sorts of features or subjects, and this is especially so with all of the options on the market these days.  You’ll want to ensure that you’ve got the proper drone for the shots that you are trying to create, otherwise all the equipment or tips in the world won’t be able to give you what you’re looking for.


Shooting those fantastic, can’t-wait-to-get-them-online shots doesn’t have to be rocket science.  You just need to focus on the details that either make or break shots in the first place as well as the purpose for the images.  From angles to location to timing to the drone itself, it all comes together to give the right shot that is going to give you, or your client, the tingles.  You’ll still need to get used to working with your drone and its shots, but these tips will be able to help you get closer to those incredible shots that you or your client are looking for.


Should you be in need of a quality drone pilot, who is FAA Exempt, with the quality drone and equipment as noted above for amazing photos for your business, marketing material or even motion picture videos, contact Drones of Prey at (478) 420-0041.

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