The Future of Drones and Their Impact

Drones are everywhere and there’s a good reason for that.  Quickly evolving in depth, scope and professionalism, they can make themselves useful in a whole lot of sectors today as well as in the very near future.  Do you love drones but not sure where you can put them to use in your sector?  Here are even more promising places in which drones can make an impact.  The market for drones is exploding around us and they are quickly making their way into all kinds of sectors.



Without question, agriculture is a profitable place for drones to make their impact in modern times.  Since farms are always searching for a way to help get more crops with the space they have available, drones could be helpful.  You could use drones to help create maps of your crops so that you can make sure that you are making the most use out of your space every season in real-time.  You could also use a drone to help replace the more labor-intensive tasks such as planting seeds.


Energy Conservation

The only thing worse than overusing energy —renewable or fossil fuel-based — is wasting it.  Drones can help with that by zooming around along pipelines and using specialized cameras to help with leak detection for faster repair.  They can also be programmed to even diagnose the problem and in the future, there’s hope that they’ll be able to repair the issue remotely as well.



A complex, mathematical process, working with mining is a great place for drones to offer precise support.  Since mining relies on an accurate and constantly fluctuating measurement of sediment and stockpiles, drones can use specialized, fast-operating cameras to make sure that those readings are even more accurate.



When communication grids go down, everything stops.  In both rural and urban areas, drones could be used to inspect towers quickly and safely to help restoration crews know where to send their workers to restore power.  Much like with the energy field, they may someday be able to even repair the damage with no need for human crew members.


Hospitality on-demand

The hope is for drones to be able to move, operate and power on-demand hotel services anywhere some point in the future.  Imagine a hotel with domes and impressive views that comes to you and helps you travel in style?  Currently, however, hospitality uses drones to offer services like room service, check-ins and even FAQ responses on-demand.


Smart security

From commercial security to home security, drones can offer high-quality footage of potential robberies in progress or even offer secure inspections more often than human ones.  This is great for those larger properties with a lot of potential weaknesses.


If you want the best of the best when it comes to drone use commercially, keep an eye on those sectors.  Regardless of how you use them, it’s important to hire an FAA-licensed pilot that has all of the proper licenses and exemptions and lots of experience to make it a profitable use for you and your industry.

Contact Drones of Prey with any questions you may have or to hire a drone pilot for your next project.

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